Monday, July 11, 2011

Here's to you!

I miss you guys. I miss apt. 18E. I miss all of our adventures, and laughs and dinners. And daynna's art projects. and jessica's guitar playing. and elizas funny comments..."i just realized i didn't make no sense." In fact i miss all of the funny comments. maybe i'll post a few.

"hey guys, its fun daynna!"-daynna
"and then we see a shadow from across the street."-eliza
"why compare it to dead bodies? why not 1,000 potatoes..or a piano?"-lindsay
"my naaaaaame is james."-daynna
"what happened to yo back?"-man on tv
"kiss my arm, now kiss my elbow."-jessicas dream haha.
"i'm just not ready to be fun daynna."-daynna
"get on the bed bill."-all
"let it buffah."-jessica
(there are so many more..i just don't have the notebook with me but i will post the rest when i do!)

The blonde off on her mission, Twin J in colorado. Twin E married. Asian school/working.

Different worlds that were once united. All so far apart.

Hope to see you all soon :)


Sunday, August 1, 2010

The End

So it begins. The world’s that were once united are slowly falling apart one by one. Twin E is engaged to be wed, completing the ceremony on the 20th of this month. She is lost. The Asian is a slowpoke and took too long claiming her place in our beloved apartment. She’s history. All that is left is The Blonde and Twin J, and even then The Blonde may only be present temporarily. They are now to be accompanied in their home by two STRANGERS! And perhaps the lasting twin of the united worlds will be left with three newcomers at half-year. So sorry all you non-existent readers, you’ll most likely have to follow the authors through other means.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wonderful Memories of Bliss

Its been too long blogspot, but here I am, blogging.
We have shared so many wonderful memories here in this apartment that we call 18E. Almost too many to remember. Girls nights which include going to Bluebird, and watching Little Mermaid on our cute little futon. Eating captain crunch at 2 in the morning with "fun Daynna". Laughing at each others expense. (Like when Jessica got her foot stuck in a shopping cart and it almost toppled on top of her. Or when Liza scraped her back on the faucet in the shower.) There has never been a dull moment in this apartment. With our jam sessions, and movie watching, dinner making, picture get the idea. With the twins, and the blonde I will forever be entertained. I don't even know what to keep blogging about, there is just too much happening.
With the girls off to school, I thought to myself...what could i be doing? Well the answer came to me when I realized...I could just go to school with Jessica. And so today I sat through a chemistry lesson while I mindlessly played doodle jump on Mike Altieri's ipod. But other than that my life isn't very exciting. So I guess I should stop typing.
There will be many more memories to blog about in the future, like traditional sushi nights, girls nights, dinners, having friends over (cause we all have friends), get the idea.
But for now, just know that we are having a fabulous time, in apartment 18E :)
Untill next time,

The Reasons Apt. 18E is Just So Blasted Fantastic

ok... so I know it's been a while. Like two and a half months... but instead of going through all the boring details  of what the gals of 18E have been up to in the last couple months, (ok I shouldn't say ALL of it was boring... there were lots of events that I'll leave up to the twins and the Asian to disclose with the world) I've decided to make a list. I've really been into this whole list thing lately. They're just so simple and easy to follow, what's not to love? As an added bonus, I'll even throw in a few pictures with this one. So here goes:
The Blonde's Top Ten Reasons She Loves Her Roommates
(In No Particular Order)

1. All the amazing meals we make together

2. Late night/ early morning chats and laughs while eating cereal around our counter

3. A shared love for sushi, guitars, and a good jumping picture

4. Grocery/ shopping trips we take as an apartment

5. Dressing up together

6. We all toughed out (or rather quit) our lame Cutco Knife jobs together

7. Even though I nearly cut my finger off they still trust me to help make Sunday meals

8. We all share a love for Disney movies (like The Little Mermaid) and cuddling up on our Futon

9. Feeling comfortable with ourselves to take super cheesy family portraits

10. Supporting each other no matter what through tough times and tight spots

So basically, I just think my roommates are pretty much awesome.


-posting provided to you by the blonde-

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Money at laaaaaaaast!!

I'll have you all know that I did it!! ....well WE did it! Daynna and I recently got hired at JIMMY JOHN'S GOURMET SANDWICH SHOP!! That's right, we make sandwiches for a living and I'd like to thank all of you that pretend to be proud of me. If I was allowed to I'd give you free sandwiches.
~Twin E

Sunday, October 18, 2009


After much practice and hard labor, I actually played in front of not only my ward, but another ward as well! Look out Mozart. I'm here to steal your glory.

-The Blonde

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ode To Marm's

For today's post, I think I'll start it off with a little poem

Mom's are great,
Especially great ones.
They do everything for you,
And still end up loving you tons!
Even if you're rude, you beg, demand,
or end up being dramatic, thinking life has come to an end.
For some reason, a great mom is still there,
And not just as a mom, but also as a best friend!

(poet in the making right here)

Yes, you might not have guessed it, but this post goes out to my lovely mom who took the time out of her day to day life, to travel the Farmington/ Logan stretch just to spend time with her stressed out college student!
Event's of the evening included: campus walks, deep talks, Sam's Club and Wal-mart trips (thanks again for all the bulks of food!), laugh's, HUGE delicious homemade salads and baked potatoes, and cookie dough. To top off the night's festivities, we got in comfy clothes and watched my secret obsession, Harry Potter. After the Friday events were over we slept to prepare for our Saturday event which included sleeping in and jogging in the Logan Mountain trails. How great is it to have your mom around to make you breakfast and clean up your kitchen as well?!
My mom is seriously the most kind-hearted, generous, and loving person you'll ever meet. Anyone is lucky just to know her! I don't think I can live up to such a greatness. I'll need lot's of help and training from this lady once (years and years down the road) I have little blondes of my own.

I tell you, not much beats the great occurrence of having such a great mom. Except of course, when you get to spend a weekend with her :)
Love you mom!

Posting provided for you by
~The Blonde~

The Family

The Family