Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ode To Marm's

For today's post, I think I'll start it off with a little poem

Mom's are great,
Especially great ones.
They do everything for you,
And still end up loving you tons!
Even if you're rude, you beg, demand,
or end up being dramatic, thinking life has come to an end.
For some reason, a great mom is still there,
And not just as a mom, but also as a best friend!

(poet in the making right here)

Yes, you might not have guessed it, but this post goes out to my lovely mom who took the time out of her day to day life, to travel the Farmington/ Logan stretch just to spend time with her stressed out college student!
Event's of the evening included: campus walks, deep talks, Sam's Club and Wal-mart trips (thanks again for all the bulks of food!), laugh's, HUGE delicious homemade salads and baked potatoes, and cookie dough. To top off the night's festivities, we got in comfy clothes and watched my secret obsession, Harry Potter. After the Friday events were over we slept to prepare for our Saturday event which included sleeping in and jogging in the Logan Mountain trails. How great is it to have your mom around to make you breakfast and clean up your kitchen as well?!
My mom is seriously the most kind-hearted, generous, and loving person you'll ever meet. Anyone is lucky just to know her! I don't think I can live up to such a greatness. I'll need lot's of help and training from this lady once (years and years down the road) I have little blondes of my own.

I tell you, not much beats the great occurrence of having such a great mom. Except of course, when you get to spend a weekend with her :)
Love you mom!

Posting provided for you by
~The Blonde~


  1. Oh,my word. I certainly don't deserve this tribute but it sure did my heart good and bring tears to my eyes! Daynna, you are the supreme hostess.A clean apt., food, entertainment,and she even gave up her bed for me, etc. and I slept wonderfully! And Yes, it WAS so much fun! Spending time with you is one of my most favorite thing to do in the whole world. (Second to that is profound talks in the garden and yard.) I miss you alot but am so happy those other weird ducks(just look at their pictures) you live with help you be happy way up there. Give them all hugs from Marm. Love to you!!

  2. That looks like you guys had so much fun. I'm glad.


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The Family