Sunday, November 1, 2009

Money at laaaaaaaast!!

I'll have you all know that I did it!! ....well WE did it! Daynna and I recently got hired at JIMMY JOHN'S GOURMET SANDWICH SHOP!! That's right, we make sandwiches for a living and I'd like to thank all of you that pretend to be proud of me. If I was allowed to I'd give you free sandwiches.
~Twin E

Sunday, October 18, 2009


After much practice and hard labor, I actually played in front of not only my ward, but another ward as well! Look out Mozart. I'm here to steal your glory.

-The Blonde

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ode To Marm's

For today's post, I think I'll start it off with a little poem

Mom's are great,
Especially great ones.
They do everything for you,
And still end up loving you tons!
Even if you're rude, you beg, demand,
or end up being dramatic, thinking life has come to an end.
For some reason, a great mom is still there,
And not just as a mom, but also as a best friend!

(poet in the making right here)

Yes, you might not have guessed it, but this post goes out to my lovely mom who took the time out of her day to day life, to travel the Farmington/ Logan stretch just to spend time with her stressed out college student!
Event's of the evening included: campus walks, deep talks, Sam's Club and Wal-mart trips (thanks again for all the bulks of food!), laugh's, HUGE delicious homemade salads and baked potatoes, and cookie dough. To top off the night's festivities, we got in comfy clothes and watched my secret obsession, Harry Potter. After the Friday events were over we slept to prepare for our Saturday event which included sleeping in and jogging in the Logan Mountain trails. How great is it to have your mom around to make you breakfast and clean up your kitchen as well?!
My mom is seriously the most kind-hearted, generous, and loving person you'll ever meet. Anyone is lucky just to know her! I don't think I can live up to such a greatness. I'll need lot's of help and training from this lady once (years and years down the road) I have little blondes of my own.

I tell you, not much beats the great occurrence of having such a great mom. Except of course, when you get to spend a weekend with her :)
Love you mom!

Posting provided for you by
~The Blonde~

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Little Piece of Heaven

We seem to have a few good times now and then since moving to this little farm town. And look, we've done it again! We made our very own sushi, thus starting off a brand new tradition of SUSHI NIGHT.

Despite what you may think, this oriental delicacy is quite delicious. Raw fish is good. Who knew? And it's fun & easy to make, all you need is a japanese store full of supplies. Our sushi was perfect! Daynna made sure of that, there's no mistakes allowed in her kitchen. And once word got out, we had strangers knocking on our door asking to try some of the foreign food everyone was talking about. The fact that we have an Asian living with us just added to the whole authenticity of the night.

So my good people, if you weren't there you missed out but you are all invited to our next sushi night!
-Twin J

Monday, September 28, 2009

Joy to Homecoming... And All The Events That Accompany

(Warning: there are a LOT of pictures)
The gals in Apt. 18E heart homecoming week. Why you ask? What other week could you get free aggie ice-cream on the quad? or listen to good live music? or ditch out on the pudding dance and other strange events? Or get the opportunity to watch people become "true aggies" and laugh at those who at least made an attempt and then got their heart broken by a sassy twin? Or get out of tests and classes just because teachers have a heart and don't want us to miss out on all the fun. The answer people is, no where. Homecoming week is the best and I will personally fight whoever decides to disagree. 
The best day by far was the glorious day of Saturday. where a full line of events kept us up and moving from 9 in the morning until 2 in the AM.
First off: the parade. Some of our new found friends hooked us up with the opportunity to not only watch the parade, but actually BE in the parade.  That's not all!! Not only would we be in the parade, but we would be on the same float as some attractive athletic USU boys. Yes ladies and gents. The gals of 18e got to wear jersey's and hang out with the whole USU soccer team by helping them throw frisbies and candy to all the anxious little kids. Can I get a holla?! 

Followed by the parade was the splendid event of free food and FREE cotton candy!!

After our eventful morning we napped, showered, and got ready for the football game!

AND Aggies WON!!!! 53-34. HAZZA!!! what a perfect way to end the perfect day... if it was the end. We then ended our glorious day with Arby's and deep meaningful conversations. All the while Eliza got her flirt on.

Thus concludes the perfect day of the perfect best week here at our glorious home town of Logan, UT


~Posting provided by:
The Blonde

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Almost...But not quite

True Aggie night is supposedly a magical night for USU students where they wait in an hour long line to pair up and kiss on the A, then they can truly call themselves a true aggie. There is also a large crowd of people surrounding the A watching everyone else having their epic moment. Daynna, Lindsay and I were a few among this crowd.
There we were, minding our own business when a fellow approached us. He was a strong lad with broad shoulders and bleach blonde hair with a very enthusiastic attitude. After he mistook Daynna and Lindsay as high school students he introduced himself as Mark and asked me "So, do you wanna become a true aggie?" I politely replied "No, we were just leaving and the line is too long anyways." Then I jokingly added "Sorry Mark, I wouldn't be worth it."
He disagreed entirely. "Of course you're worth it!" he declared, then took my hand and began pulling me with him to the end of the line.
"What are you doing?!" I asked shocked. "That line is forever long! We'll be here for hours! I don't want to be here that long!" Nothing I said seemed to phase him.
"It's ok, it'll be fun! And besides, you're totally worth it." He said with complete confidence.
Without thinking, I shouted at him "YOU'RE NOT WORTH IT!"
Mark slowly turned around with his jaw dropped, he threw down my hand like it was some sort of disease. I could hear Daynna and Lindsay behind me laughing uncontrollably. "Did you hear what she said?" he yelled. "She said I wasn't worth it!" Then trying to keep his cool he said "It was nice to meet you." Then he shook my hand and was lost in the crowd.
I was surprised at myself, I'm usually not that forward but desperate times call for desperate measures and I can truthfully say, I am not a true aggie.

-Twin E

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Oh the joys of Logan...

Its been a little over a month of successfully living with the twins and Daynna and I've gotta admit, I didn't think I could do it! I mean living away from home, in an unknown town, thriving on my own, a bit overwhelming right? But much to my surprise, moving to Logan was one of the best decisions I've made in my 18 year old life! I've really come to love this place that I now call home. Everyday is one of laughter and great food :] and each day just gets better and better in the life of blondes, twins and asians!
Untill next time,

~The Asian

Happy as can be... especially with our new family!

It's been a month since we gals have collided in our humble apartment complex. Since then we've had laughs, tears, joys, employment and unemployment, cuts, and numerous couch experiences (mostly the twins). In light of our happiness, we thought it only appropriate to share our joy with the world through our blogging abilities. So... we hope we don't screw this up. Enjoy!

-Apt. 18E gals.

The Family

The Family